I have a special interest in exploring the impact of SSP on those diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. If you wish to have more information, please email [email protected] or [email protected].
For additional information about my clinical work using my Sensitive Approach: Client at the Core™ please visit https://sensitiveapproach.co.uk/.
The videos below demonstrate various aspects of my SSP work with two of clients, Dennis and Jerry, both diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. I am indebted to them for their commitment to this work, and for their generosity in sharing their experiences in this way.
Dennis lives in Germany and was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in 2016. The video shown at the Polyvagal Institute Summit in November 2021 includes a conversation with Dr Stephen Porges. A shorter video shows more of the remarkable changes Dennis has experienced as a result of SSP.
Jerry lives in the USA and was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in 2020. Jerry’s video has clips from recordings of his online SSP sessions which show some of the beneficial changes, especially in social engagement, which have had a significant impact on Jerry and his family and friends….
Videos demonstrating Dennis's journey with SSP
Video shown at the Polyvagal Institute Summit in November 2021.
Story of Change: Creative Connection in the Time of COVID 'Liz Charles, MD is based in the UK while her client, Dennis Schmidt, live in Germany. Their shared journey of therapy for Dennis's trauma history and Parkinson's Disease includes sensitive use of the Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP) and an assortment of sensory, movement, and regulation activities - all done via Zoom. The remarkable results have been life-changing.'
A video from Dennis sharing his experience
Dennis's Testimony: ‘Being recommended to Liz as a client and working with her for several months was one of the most important and precious periods in my life. Before, I was desperate. Depression, trauma, anxiety and Parkinson´s were dominating my life. I needed all my energy just to get through the day. Immediately after the first sessions things started to get better. Liz´s careful titration of SSP combined with her profound knowledge, professionalism, great personality and enthusiasm made it easy for me to work with her. It helped me work on serious topics with my somatic experiencing therapist.
Today, after nearly 40 sessions, I have regained control over my life, I have a better social life, i am feeling much better, less anxious and I am much more optimistic regarding my future. The symptoms of Parkinson´s (e.g tremor, flat face, slurred speech, rigidity) are significantly reduced when I am in a ventral state. I never would have expected that when we started the sessions. I am so grateful that I can experience this! Thank you so much Liz - I can´t adequately express how happy I am to have been able to work with you and for your support!’
Video showing Jerry's journey with SSP
Jerry was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in 2020. He lives with Judy, his wife of 50 years, on the West Coast of the USA. When Judy heard about SSP through her interest in Polyvagal Theory she thought it might help Jerry and found her way to Dr Liz.Jerry, Judy, and Liz met for the first time in June 2021. Liz started to carefully titrate the SSP delivery to suit the sensitivities of Jerry’s system in weekly online sessions. Jerry has slowly and patiently worked his way through SSP with the support of Judy.
This video shows clips from Jerry’s first three online sessions, and then 15 months later in September 2022, when he had just completed the 3rd hour of listening and moved into hour 4. The difference is dramatic and compelling…