Sensitive Approach: the Client at the Core I use my medical background, knowledge of neuroscience, and personal experience of the effects of trauma to sensitively support each person through SSP as appropriate to their individual situation and needs.
Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, I have replaced my face-to-face delivery of SSP with online delivery. I now use video conferencing (Zoom) for connecting with clients during the sessions and they access the specially filtered SSP music via the Unyte-iLs app.
I have had the privilege to witness profound shifts and beneficial changes experienced by many individuals using online delivery of SSP. Please see below for testimonies from past clients keen to share their experiences with prospective clients.
Having SSP with me using my ‘Sensitive Approach: the Client at the Core: usually involves a weekly session of about 90 minutes and the average time taken to this is 3 or 4 months.
During the online sessions, in addition to the sensitive titration of SSP filtered music, we explore how the client’s system responds to stress, and practice a variety of supportive regulation activities and strategies which can then also be used between sessions and after completion of SSP.
Online delivery of SSP has distinct benefits for the client as they can be in the comfort of their own home, and not have to worry about travel before and after sessions. Geography and time zones are no longer a barrier and I enjoy delivering SSP to clients in the UK and around the world.
I specialise in working with adults who are suffering the effects of complex trauma or chronic illness. I carefully titrate the delivery SSP to match each individual’s system, sensitivities and situation. Online delivery is particularly suitable for this as it gives the opportunity to take the process as slowly as needed for any shifts and changes to be integrated into the clients system.
An important component of SSP with me is that the client has access to additional therapeutic support, whether body therapy and/or talking therapy during our work together. This allows for better integration of any shifts and changes that may occur from SSP meaning there can be more deeply embedded and sustainable benefits once the SSP listening programme is complete.
As a client, you don’t have to understand how SSP works, just as you don’t have to understand how a painkiller or antibiotic works for you to benefit from it. As your SSP provider, you can trust me to have the appropriate knowledge and experience so I can deliver SSP in the most effective way for you.
Working together
Before agreeing to work together, we arrange to meet and have a chat on Zoom. We can then see if we are a good match, and discuss the process, your particular circumstances and explore how we might work together. If we decide to work together I will then ask you to complete various intake questionnaires so I can assess your situation and plan the pace most suited to your particular situation.
It is important you have a quiet and comfortable area to have SSP sessions where you feel private and won’t be disturbed. I will recommend a variety of activities you can have available to do while listening to the music.
My Sensitive Approach with the Client at the Core involves careful pacing of the process to ensure your system is not overwhelmed and there is enough opportunity for you to accommodate and integrate any shifts and changes. As a rough guide each session lasts about 90 minutes and tends to be once a week. Using the concept of 'less is more', the average time taken to complete SSP with me is 3 or 4 months.
As well as listening to the SSP filtered music in our sessions, we work together so you can develop a better understanding of the different ways you respond to stressful circumstances. We also explore and practise various activities you can then continue to use to support and maintain any benefits you experience from SSP, which will help re-pattern your brain and body to work together in a healthier and more sustainable way.
SSP is most effective when used alongside other therapies and the benefits from SSP are more likely to be maintained long term if you can set aside time to integrate the changes into your life, both during and after SSP. Reducing some of your other commitments while having SSP will help give you the opportunity to make any necessary adjustments to your lifestyle as well as having more time to care for yourself.
In general, clients experience considerable mental and physical health benefits after completing SSP with me using my ‘Sensitive Approach: Client at the Core’. An increased sense of calm and wellbeing is often noticed by friends and family, too.
To read what recent clients wanted to share about their experience of SSP using Sensitive Approach; Client at the Core, please see Testimonials.